New Directions in the Study of Tibetan Buddhist Art History


Sunday, April 29, 2018, 9:30am to 6:00pm

Repeats every day until Sun Apr 29 2018


The Belfer Case Study Room, CGIS Building, 1730 Cambridge Street


Prof. ZHANG Changhong: (The Palace Museum, Beijing; HYI Coordinate Research Scholar 2017-18)

Prof. LIAO Yang: (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; HYI Visiting Scholar 2017-18)

Mr. WANG Chuanbo: (Doctoral Candidate, Zhejiang University; HYI Visiting Fellow 2017-18)


Harvard Faculty Moderators:

Prof. Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp (Professor of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, South Asian Studies; Chair: Inner Asian and Altaic Studies, Harvard University)

Prof. Eugene Y. Wang (Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art, Harvard University)

Prof. Jinah Kim (Gardner Cowles Associate Professor of History of Art and Architecture, South Asian Art ) Program 會議議程


April 28 (Saturday) 4 月 28 日(周六)

9:30-9:40 Welcome Speech: Eugene Y. Wang

9:40-12:30 Studies on the Vajrāvalī and Buddhist Iconography Moderator: Robert N. Linrothe 主持:林瑞賓

9:40-10:05 Mori Masahide: A Study of the rDor 'phreng Part of the Five Hundred Deities of sNar thang 森雅秀:《那塘五百佛像》中《金剛鬘》部分的研究

10:05-10:30 Jinah Kim: Compiling Visions in Color: Ngor Vajrāvalī Series and its Indic Root 金珍我:以色相編結幻象——俄爾寺金剛鬘組畫及其印度根源

10:30-10:55 Eric Tzu-yin Chung: The Fifth Karmapa and the Visual Evidences of Vajrāvalī (rDo rje phreng ba) in Early-Ming Amdo 锺子寅:明初安多金剛鬘圖像與五世噶瑪巴

10:55-11:20 Group Photo & Break

11:20-11:45 Tanaka Kimiaki: Maṇḍala Sets Newly Identified since 2013 田中公明:2013 年以來新辨識的曼荼羅組畫

11:45-12:30 Discussion

14:00-15:40 Sino-Tibetan Art Moderator: Eugene Y. Wang 主持:汪悅進

14:00-14:25 Huang Yangxing: Sino-Tibetan Integration: A Perspective on the Relationship between Qingbai Porcelain Statues of Jingdezhen in the Yuan Period and Tibetan Buddhist Art 黃陽興:漢藏融合——元代景德鎮青白瓷塑與藏傳佛教管窺

14:25-14:50 Wang Yuegong: Offerings of the Emperor: A Study of the Types of Court Statues of the Qianlong Period 王躍工:帝王的供養——乾隆時期宮廷造像類型考

14:50-15:15 Chou Wen-shing: Wisdom Doubles: Emperor and Lama Portraits of the Qing Court 周文欣:雙重智慧——清廷的帝王與喇嘛畫像

15:15-15:40 Discussion

15:40-15:55 Coffee Break

15:55-17:35 Art in Western Tibet and Reading the Stupa Space Moderator: Jinah Kim 主持:金珍我

15:55-16:20 Deborah Klimburg-Salter: Those who lost, and those who won: the formation of a Buddhist community in Tabo 金伯格:誰主沉浮——塔波寺佛教僧團的形成

16:20-16:45 Gerald Kozicz: The “Great Entrance Stupa” of Alchi: An Attempt to Reconstruct the Full Picture 柯齊茨:阿契寺大入門塔——全景重建的嘗試

16:45-17:10 Wang Chuanbo: The Iconographical Configuration and Spatial Order in Juyong Guan Gateway Stupa 王傳播:居庸關過街塔的圖像配置與空間秩序

17:10-17:35 Discussion


April 29 (Sunday) 4 月 29 日(周日)

9:30-12:50 Human Agents of Tibetan Buddhist Art Moderator: Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp 主持:范德康

9:30-9:55 Robert N. Linrothe: Prescription or Practice? Indian Conventions for Sponsors of Art in Tibetan Painting 林瑞賓:規定還是實踐?藏傳繪畫藝術贊助人的印度習慣

9:55-10:20 Karl Debreczeny:Patronage of the Mahākāla Sculpture Dated 1292 Revisited 杜凱鶴:1292 年大黑天造像施主再考

10:20-10:45 Pasang Norbu: A Silk Thangka Painting in Sakya Monastery 巴桑羅布:薩迦寺藏絹畫佛祖唐卡試考

10:45-11:10 Discussion

11:10-11:20 Break

11:20-12:00 Andrew Quintman and Kurtis R. Schaeffer: Painting Manuals as Intermediary Texts: Examples from Tāranātha’s Life of the Buddha 昆特曼、謝夫:壁畫作為仲介文本——多羅那他《佛傳》實例

12:00-12:25 Liao Yang: An Iconographical Study on an Early *Bodhimaṇḍālaṃkāra Thangka 廖暘:一件菩提場陀羅尼經早期唐卡的圖像研究 12:25-12:50 Discussion

14:00-15:50 Styles and Ornaments of Tibetan Art Moderator: Deborah Klimburg-Salter 主持:金伯格

14:00-14:25 Jeff Watt: Cultural Controversy: Redefining Tibetan Painting Styles 傑夫·瓦特:文化之爭——西藏繪畫風格的再定義

14:25-14:50 Shawo Khacham: Newly Discovered Pāla Style Stone Sculptures and a Stele in the Rgyal Lha khang, 'Phan yul Area of Central Tibet 夏吾卡先:西藏林周傑拉康發現的帕拉石雕造像和碑刻

14:50-15:15 Nancy Lin: Ornaments of this World 林靜雲:此世界之莊嚴

15:15-15:40 Discussion

15:40-15:50 Coffee Break 15:50-17:50 New Findings and New Directions Moderator: Kurtis R. Schaeffer

15:50-16:15 Huo Wei: The Rock Carvings of the eastern Tibetan Area and the Alliance between the Tang and Tubo 霍巍:藏東吐蕃摩崖石刻與唐蕃會盟

16:15-16:40 Zhang Changhong: Bodhisattva-Tsanpo: an Analysis of the Images and Inscriptions in Eastern Tibet 張長虹:菩薩贊普——藏東地區石刻造像與題記分析

16:40-17:05 Zhu Detao: Newly Discovered Tibetan Buddhist Rock Carvings of the 12th Century in Yushul, Qinghai Province 朱德濤:青海玉樹新發現的 12 世紀藏傳佛教摩崖石刻

17:05-17:30 Discussion 17:30-17:50 Concluding Remarks: Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp

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