Charles Cobb: 'Historical Ecology Meets Critical Anthropology in Chickasaw Territory'


Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Tozzer 203
*Harvard Archaeology Seminar Series Presents: * *Charles Cobb* / 'Historical Ecology Meets Critical Anthropology in Chickasaw Territory'/ An ongoing archaeological project involving the Chickasaw Nation and several universities has been seeking to trace the long-term migration of the Chickasaw to their well-known eighteenth-century settlements in northern Mississippi. This migration involved a dramatic relocation from riverine bottomlands to upland prairie ridges. The causes and consequences of this transformation in historical ecology have implicated variables ranging from climate change to the Hernando de Soto expedition. In addition to discussing the results of the research, the presentation will consider how the project goals and methodologies have been shaped by shared and competing priorities of archaeologists, Native Americans, and local landowners.