Past Fellows

Nick Blegen - Post-Doctoral Fellow Harvard University (2015-17)

Mark E. Byington - Project Director of the Early Korea Institute (Korea Institute) 

Nicholas Carter - DRCLAS Fellow with the CMHI Program (DRCLAS)

Eduardo Góes Neves - Professor of Archaeology, University of São Paulo  (Anthro)

LeeAnn Barnes Gordon - Conservation and Collections Management, MFA

Laura Nasrallah - Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity

Joseph A. Greene - Deputy Director and Curator of the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East (Retired)

Theresa Huntsman

Brian Lander - Ziff Environmental Fellow, Harvard Center for the Environment (2015-17) (Center for the Environment).

Elizabeth M. Molacek - Frederick Randolph Grace Curatorial Fellow in Ancient Art, Harvard Art Museums (2015-17)

Tonya Largy  - Research Assistant, Zooarchaeology Laboratory & Harappa Project (Peabody Museum)

Ajita Patel - Research Assistant, Zooarchaeology Laboratory & Harappa Project (Peabody Museum)

Katie Ranhorn - Post-Doctoral Fellow Harvard University

Linda Reynard - Research Associate and Lecturer, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology (HEB).

Noreen Tuross - Landon T. Clay Professor of Scientific Archaeology